It is common place for the express provisions of a contract to contain a definition of what constitutes practical completion. Practical completion is very important as once it is issued, ...
Construction projects come with significant risks in relation to time and money, how do we ensure that obligations are kept and that if problems are encountered, the defaulting party is ...
Construction contracts commonly make express provision for the amount of damages to be paid by the contractor, if it fails to complete the works by the agreed completion date. Liquidated ...
How is a contracting party compensated when the other party is in breach of its obligations and the contract does not provide for a remedy in such circumstance. How are ...
It is common place for the parties to agree a hierarchy for the valuation of change and this can lead to significant risk as well as opportunity for contracting parties. ...
Time is one of the single most important factors in the construction process, ELA understands about the importance of time, preserving and obtaining time entitlement in relation to construction projects ...